1. This Privacy Policy sets forth the terms under which “SISINFO” (Sistemas Informáticos SRL), the owner of this website, uses and protects the information provided by its users when using the website. By using the website, users consent to the terms outlined herein.
  2. “SISINFO” will process the personal data provided by users of this site solely for the purposes and in the manner detailed in this Privacy Policy. This processing complies with the regulations of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay regarding Personal Data Protection, particularly Law No. 18.331 and Decrees No. 664/008 of December 22, 2008, and 414/009 of August 31, 2009, as well as any other applicable norms in this field.
  3. “SISINFO” commits to using the personal data it receives exclusively for the specific purposes for which users provide it, without disclosing it to third parties. When we ask you to fill in fields with personal information that can identify you, we do so with the assurance that it will only be used in accordance with the terms outlined in this document. However, please note that this Privacy Policy may change over time or be updated. We recommend and emphasize that you regularly review this page, where the updated Policy will be maintained.
    1. Information Collected: Our website may collect personal information such as your name or business name, as well as contact information like your email address. Additionally, when necessary, specific information may be requested to process inquiries or contracts related to our products or services.
    2. Use of Collected Information: Our website utilizes the information provided by users to deliver the best possible service. Specifically, we maintain user records, track orders (where applicable), and continuously improve our products and services. Periodically, we may send emails through our site containing special offers, new product announcements, or other relevant advertising information that we believe may benefit you. These emails will be sent to the address you provide and can be unsubscribed from at any time.
  4. “SISINFO” is committed to safeguarding user data. We have implemented all necessary security measures to prevent unauthorized access by third parties. This includes physical security measures and restricted access only for employees or subcontractors who require access to data for work-related purposes. Such individuals are bound by confidentiality clauses and professional secrecy obligations, as outlined in Article 302 of the Penal Code.
  5. “SISINFO” will make every effort to protect the personal data provided by users through this website. However, in compliance with contractual obligations to third parties or in the event of a court order, “SISINFO” may disclose some of the data it holds.
  6. Personal data may be hosted on servers owned by “SISINFO” in Uruguay or in other countries with an adequate level of protection.
  7. Please note that the Privacy Policy applies solely to the use of the website when accessed directly. The same outcome is not guaranteed if accessed through redirection from other sites.
  8. The data controller for the databases is “SISINFO” Users can exercise their rights of access, modification, or deletion by contacting the email address seguridad @ Additionally, users may use the same method to submit any complaints or suggestions they deem appropriate. If you have any inquiries or suggestions regarding this website’s Privacy Policy, please direct them to the email address web @
  9. This Privacy Policy outlines the current practices of the company regarding the services it provides. Therefore, it may be updated by “SISINFO” which reserves the right to modify the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time. Any updates will be published on the website.