The SIAP sub-system of the SISINFOGRP product suite provides all the necessary tools for the administration and management of an organisation's human capital.

The SIAP suite is formed by the following modules:

Economic management related to human resources, its link with the payroll and the budgetary perspective of the same. The module supports all processes linked to the settlement:
  • Entry process
  • Settlement process
  • Post-settlement process
Other features include integration with a dynamic formula engine that provides great flexibility in the parameterisation phase. The most complex implementations have been resolved via parameterisation without having to modify the module.

  • Manages the information related to attendance control (clock marks, entry of the different types of leave, leave tickets on commission, etc.)
  • It generates the incident report for the period to be used in the salary settlement, updates current leave accounts and balances
  • It has great flexibility when defining the components of attendance - agendas (possible expected schedules), concepts (leaves, absences, study days, overtime, leave on commission, etc.), incident reports, among others - due to its widely parameterisable design
  • The entry of clock marks is done through massive uploading by file (with the interface configurable for one or several types of clock) or manual entry. Marks can be adjusted and there is a process for detecting inconsistent marks
  • It provides a large number of listings to facilitate the control tasks of personnel officers

Allows you to manage the information that affects an official's file. Some of the most relevant are:
  • Personal data (identification and other) and family data
  • Formal studies and qualifications obtained
  • Continuing education and training (courses and seminars)
  • Work experience
  • Various annotations for cases such as accumulations, sanctions, etc
  • Merits and demerits
  • Qualifications within the company
In addition to this data, the system will communicate through services with the rest of the modules to keep the employee's complete dossier up to date. The file can be consulted by scrolling through the different folders that are displayed through tabs to achieve a friendly and intuitive navigation. It is also possible to generate a report with the complete file of an official. The module allows you to generate individual certificates or certificates for a group of officials with the relevant data on their files, functional careers, observations, etc.
  • Definition of calls for competitions (internal and external)
  • Publication of calls for competitions on the portal
  • Registration of applicants
  • Application to the published calls for competitions
  • Management of the selection process of applicants to published calls for competitions, responding to certain specific needs

Allows monitoring so that the organisation has people capable of performing their roles correctly, trying to achieve the proposed results.
  • Define training areas and, within each area, the achievable levels
  • Register training needs and training centres
  • To open courses to meet training needs. Each course belongs to one of the defined training areas and it is established to which training level within the area the course corresponds
  • Keep the historical record of all needs and courses registered. For each course, the training centres, teachers and participating officials are recorded
  • Record attendance and approval of courses. The recording of course approvals by staff members enables a record to be kept of the levels of training achieved by staff members in each area
  • Record the training activities in which the staff member participated in his or her personal file
  • Conduct an evaluation of the courses, assessing the teachers and the content
  • Record the core competencies of the organisation
  • Record the parameterisation of the main associated observable behaviours
  • Turn abstract definitions of competencies (behavioural knowledge or skills) into concrete observable behaviours with standardised measurement benchmarks to be used throughout the organisation

The Self-Management System allows the following tasks to be carried out in an easy and simple way, either on the web or mobile:
  • bill queries
  • Income tax receipts
  • Licence balances
  • Clock marks
  • Official´s file
It is also possible to carry out the following operations:
  • Leave requests
  • Medical certification
  • Notifications
  • Employee/official grading
  • Notices of absence
It also allows:
  • Configure different types of profiles for consultations and procedures
  • Generate flows of authorisations for each management
Both the mobile web version and the mobile app allow you to make geolocalised marks.

The security module allows the administration of users and the control of access to the different functionalities of the system. It also allows:
  • Integration with Authentication Software
  • Definition of Security Policies
  • Assignment of Permissions to a user or Roles
  • Consultation of Access Control on different applications
  • Auditing
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